Our Services

How we can help you

Why choose us

Dot Connectors is a management consultancy specialising in transformation compliance consultancy on black economic empowerment (BEE), skills development (SD) and employment equity (EE). We connect the dots for companies, ensuring optimal BEE, SD and EE compliance.

BEE compliance

Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment (B-BBEE) aims to redress inequality, boost economic growth and create a better life for all South Africans. All organs of state, public entities and any private enterprise that undertakes business with a public entity must implement the B-BBEE Codes of Good Practice.

Skills Development

The Skills Development Act (1998) and Skills Development Levy Act (1999) provide a framework for improving the skills and employment prospects of black people. These Acts make it compulsory for certain employers to contribute a percentage of their payroll – the Skills Development levy – to a fund that can be used to train staff.

Employment Equity

The Employment Equity Act applies to black people, and all women and disabled people. It stipulates the requirements for affirmative action to ensure that qualified people from these groups are equitably represented in all occupational categories and levels of a company.
About Us
Dot Connectors is a management consultancy specialising in transformation compliance in Black economic empowerment (BEE), skills development and employment equity (EE).
Get in Touch

22 Peltier Road, Sunninghill Office Park, Unit 25, First Floor, Sunninghill